Thursday, June 02, 2005

I'm interested. How do I take part?

Taking part is really easy. There are no strict rules. Here's an example:
  • Decide on at least one of the 12 books you want to read (some say they want others to read to them, which is fine too!)
  • Then get at least another friend or colleague, find a time to meet to discuss (some setup their blogs or website, or discuss via email, or SMS, which is also an excellent idea -- whatever works for you)
  • You are not even required to read the entire book if you don't want to. Your group could agree on certain chapters to read.
  • If you can't find another person to discuss or to form a group, you could also contact your nearest public library and join the activities they've organised.
You get the idea. We're sure you can think of lots more creative ways to participate in this nation-wide activity.

If you wish to have our librarians help you facilitate your group activities, please email us, or drop by the library to find out more.

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